Tuesday 24 July 2012

say cheese!

Over the past year I have found that photography is something which I am really beginning to enjoy whether that be me taking the photos or simply enjoying other people's snaps.
 I have always enjoyed looking over old family photos ; ones of my parents when they were younger- especially their wedding photos.

Old photos of my mum when she was young give glimpses of glamour and youth where as pictures of family gatherings ooze love and care.

I have tried my best to take pictures of friends and family over the past year although people aren't always happy about me annoyingly pointing a  lens at them which is understandable,  I for one hate pictures being taken of me until I think I look my absolute best or there abouts!

So I have begun to take pictures of nature and my surroundings when back at home- at least I know that trees will not be asking for a touch up!

They aren't by any means evidence of an amazing photographer I am purely an amateur who enjoys snapping away on an inexpensive camera-  Enjoy! 

let there be light!

peek a boo

Crisp & white

Tree hugger-not!

My beautiful mama took this  - I think I may have zoomed the camera in a little too much for her - like I said- amateur! 

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